The Norwegian Whale Reserve is an ambitious project with a mission to rewild captive whales by providing them a safe haven in their natural, arctic habitat.
The initiative was inspired by Hvaldimir, a displaced beluga whale who was in need of protection and rehabilitation.
The project evolved to encompass a much larger goal of rescuing whales who are living in small tanks around the world; to give them a chance for rehabilitation or release into the wild.
Norwegian Whale Reserve core goals are summarized as follows:
whales from concrete tanks, environments where they are displayed, or made to perform for humans
whales, reducing
their dependency
on humans
and define best practice
for whale rehabilitation
and share these findings
rehabilitated whales back
into the wild
whenever possible
A True Sanctuary.
Hammerfest, the Arctic city that cared for Hvaldimir during the initial four months of his stay in Norway, has an ideal location for creating a natural space for formerly captive whales. The area is surrounded by islands and fjords, allowing for the possibility of enclosing a section of a fjord to create a suitable, protected habitat for the whales.
The Norwegian Whale Reserve (NWR) was established in 2022 as an independent organization with the primary vision of bringing captive whales of Arctic origin back to their natural habitat through rewilding.
In March 2023, the politicians in Hammerfest voted yes to move forward with the discovery phase of the Norwegian Whale Reserve project.
NWR has completed environmental studies of the fjord to begin to obtain the necessary approvals and licenses. This work is currently in progress, and updates will be provided as the project advances.
OneWhale, the organization that co-founded the project, takes pride in this significant initiative and is actively involved in fundraising efforts.
Please support the creation of the Norwegian Whale Reserve. Your NWR donations to OneWhale will be earmarked specifically for this purpose & granted directly to NWR.